Saturday, September 7, 2013

 Greetings from Rainbow land!

Boy this summer flew by so fast!

After Labor Day, the rains came and an incredible lightning storm.  The biggest light show I've ever seen.   I'm so excited to see the fall colors and the Merganser's return to the lake.  The sun came out  today and the air was so sweet after all the rainfall. 
What are you looking forward to this fall?


  1. I'm looking forward to...

    1. Reading a book by lamplight in the evening while the rain slides down the window
    2. Learning cool dance moves in my new hip hop class
    3. Being finished with my first 3 online classes of my last school year!
    4. New haircut. Always a new haircut.
    5. Sarah's and my birthday
    6. Opening night of "The Hollow", my first Agatha Christie mystery play
    7. Next season of "Sherlock"
    8. Going to see a play some rainy night in Seattle, walking the leafy sidewalks to the theatre
    9. Acting class on Sundays. Always something new to learn, and this class will be at Red Curtain's new building in Marysville, yay!

    And that's all I can think of right now before I go to bed. It's a good question; it made me come up with ideas and think of what I'm excited about. (I have to remember that life is not all drear and no cheer while I'm doing so much homework. Learning is hard work, but every day I try to go outside and look at the birds on the lake and think that there will be birds there for years to come. Whether I fail or succeed, Nature goes on!)

    Thank you, Mama!

  2. What a wonderful list of things to look forward too. I especially like #6:):)
