Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

2015 Emerald City Comic Con!

(I hope this isn't going to take up way too much room on this page, sorry in advance)

Adam, Sarah Lexie attended 2 days at comiccon as Spiderman, Belle, and the Phantom! It was a fun and incredible experience and we had such a good time. Walking down the city street in full costumes is one of the best things ever.

Friday pictures! :)))

lol my costume is so dark you cant even see my hands.

nanananaaa!! the accursed face!

We actually got these really nice high-quality polaroids from this photogtapher named Johnny Andrews who had this cool project going on for photos of cosplayers, you can check out his instagram. Here are the ones he took of Adam and me:

 seriously. Adam is the best spidey cosplayer.  It was soo cute all the little kids loved him and wanted to take pics with him.
There was this awesome Deadpool cosplayer who was super in-character and played around with Spidey. They had a bit of funny banter going on, I wish I could've recorded it.

Spidey selfie!

Friday was mostly Adam, Grandma Penny and I wandering around the convention and the merchandise stalls having a good time.

Sunday pics!!

seflie on the way to comicon

Here we are waiting in line for the Stan Lee panel. Sarah actually opened up Netflix and we watched the first half hour of the Phantom of the Opera (the 25th anniversary version). 
We got in to the panel!! At the end Stan Lee took a picture with a line of Marvel cosplayers. Later Adam actually got his autograph!

super cool Iron Man
Sarah is so perf i cant

Oh no! not the wicked witch!

There were these adorable life-sized R2 and R4 units that some people built (R2 buliders club or something) 
They actually moved around by remote and could make the beep boop noises and their light flashes! The yellow one actually danced around.

Sarah and I attended the Firefly panel with the fabulous Gina Torres and Jewel Staite! They were so funny and they told great cast stories.

Super cool Lady Loki cosplay!

And afterwards we went down to the waterfront to go to Ivar's (sadly they were closed because of construction) and took some really nice photos (even though we were super tired)

The carousel!!

Adam and I rode the carousel - that was so fun!

sour lemon!

It's New York. Not Seattle. shhhhhh

Ahhh, so beautiful!

Poor Adam's all tired out. 

aww yissss 

Sarah putting on my old latex face